CHEM, Chemical-Resistant Centrifugal Fans

- high-efficiency impellers, reliable, maintenance-free
- excellent corrosionresistance
- high-quality backward-curved centrifugal fans
with superior performance - low noise emissions
- different materials
- all fans are tested and rated in accordance
with DIN 24163 and ISO 5801
The fan casing is either made from
- thermoplastics such as PP, PVC, PE, PVDF or
- glass-reinforced polyvinyl-ester material GRP or FRP.
- the casing is formed as a true spiral and has a high-efficiency inlet cone to ensure an even distribution of air over the full width of the impeller
The models CHEM 125 - 250 are completely made of injection-moulded plastic and can be operated in either LG or RD rotational sense. The plastic injection-moulded backplate or inlet cover can easily be removed in order to change the direction of rotation or for maintenance purposes. Fan casings with outlet flange are fitted with a chemical-resisant seal to prevent air leakage. The standard casing material is PP.
The casings of types CHEM 315 to 400 are either made of GRP material or vacuum-formed and machine-welded. The plastic injection-mould backplate can easily be removed for maintenance and service purposes. Thermoplastic fan casings with outlet flange are fitted with a chemicalresistant seal to prevent air leakage. The GRP fan casing has a round outlet. Suitable flexible connectors are available.